Monday, September 20, 2010

Windy Day

First, watch this video. It's great, but make sure you watch the whole thing.

They Energy Academy I mentioned showed us this video, so funny...I had to share. Wind is so important in Samsø (and in Denmark in general), it's easy to see how they get excited about wind power! I wanted to elaborate on the most exciting part of my weekend in Samsø, the wind turbine we visited.
The farmer who owned it turned off the wind turbine for an hour so we could climb up it! We did pay him back for the lost profit (I think it was a couple hundred dollars??). There are ladders on the inside, connecting about 8 platforms so that it's easy to climb up. It was a little scary though, you can feel the whole thing swaying! The whole tower was 50m, and the propellers were 27 meters I think?

I planned it so I went up with the last group of students to the top, just because I wanted to hear what our guide knew about the contruction, costs, etc. It turns out that was a great idea, because our guide knew we were in for a treat if we went last! The farmer turned the power back on while we were on the top, with a warning to not tell his insurance company! He can lower the sides the capsule so you are in the open air and have 360 views. So, all 10 of us crouched down on the top and watched as the propellers started to turn...what a rush! It was a very windy day, so it was a little terrifying, but mostly just amazing!

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