Friday, September 3, 2010

Becoming Dansk: Jeg cykler til klasse!

The weather in Denmark isn't always cold and rainy, today was really nice! I even wore a tank top on my bike ride home. I just started biking to class this week, and so far I am really enjoying it. I have to leave the house at 7:45 in the morning to make it in time for 8:30 classes, the ride itself is about 30 minutes. I took a few pictures today of my route, it's really pretty!

I think I mentioned this earlier, but A LOT of people use bikes here! My host family owns...5 bikes I think...and just one car. I think my family at home has about the opposite :-). So it's bike-rush-hour in the morning when I go to class, and it can be a bit intimidating! Sometimes at a stop-light there will be a couple dozen bikers all in a row. Copenhagen has bike lanes everywhere, which is really nice. If anybody ever visits the city, be careful that bike lanes look a lot like the sidewalks and you should not walk in them!


  1. Laura, are you telling us to get rid of "your" car??

  2. First-it is MY car. I checked, my name is on the official papers.
    Second- Please don't! Biking to Colorado, in the snow, with everything I own would be pretty impossible. Or at least really really miserable.
    I love my car!

  3. I just saw this, and I would like to note that it is currently my car. Despite what your message on the sun roof said =)
